
Angela Hall
Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

Angela Hall 0
SAS Enterprise Guide across a proxy firewall

We recently confirmed (via;=0) that SAS Enterprise Guide does not support proxy servers between itself and SAS servers (metadata, workspace, stored process, etc). However, if the proxy server can be transparent then EG can work through it. While implementing SAS BI at a customer site we needed to access

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SAS Global Forum Paper 2009

Don't forget to register for the SAS Global Forum 2009! March 22-25, 2009 Washington, DC     And check out my submitted paper on Monday afternoon - Supporting a SAS Server Architecture Included topics: Documenting the routine tasks (such as restarting services in the correct order and adding users)

Angela Hall 0
SAS Enterprise Guide - Server File Access

SAS Enterprise Guide allows users to access files on the SAS server environment. Only one of the three options can be set - either to point to the designated user folder 'SAS User Root', set to the root 'System Root', or define a shared location/directory 'path'. The SAS Administrator sets

Angela Hall 0
EG Style Manager for the Enterprise

The output delivery system (ODS) provides some wonderful out-of-the-sas-box custom style sheets (CSS) for use in SAS web output. My personal favorite is 'sasweb'. However, many organizations wish to modify these and deploy new style sheets to the enterprise. The best approach I have found is to utilize the Enterprise

Angela Hall 0
Opening SAS Files from Windows

Right-click on any SAS file and several options could appear, including but not limited to 'Open in SAS Enterprise Guide', 'Open in SAS 9.1', 'Submit in SAS 9.1', etc. In silent installs, multiple SAS version environments, or other registry impacting issues - these options could be rendered useless or simply

Angela Hall 0
SAS in the Open Source World

Over the last couple days, there have been some posts in SAS-L as well as those new fangled twitters, on whether 'R' open sourced software is a threat (ignoring the SAS Sales team's response) and on whether SAS could move to Open Source. Highlights from these discussions: New York Times

Angela Hall 0
Clearing & Updating Metadata - Batch Tricks

Using the proc metalib process to update specific elements would generate errors related to the base SAS Library conflicting with the Metalib referenced library. You can run a libname _all_ list; statement to review all the libraries available to the process. Also, the reference material utilized to improve the process

Angela Hall 0
Example to Encode SAS Passwords

Within SAS Run the following code (the purple text is the password you would like to encode): proc pwencode in='myn3wpwd4u'; run; After submitting this code (F3), the resulting encoded password in available only in the log file. The results from this example are below, the highlighted line is the encrypted

Angela Hall 0
SAS 9.2 eLecture Offers from

Get a jump start on your SAS 9.2 expeirence by attending some of the free (or cheap) training courses SAS has to offer. Check them out at: 1. SAS(R) 9.2 Session 1: New and Enhanced Procedures and Statements -- Free 2. SAS(R) 9.2 Session 2: The Macro Facility --

Angela Hall 0
Data Data Everywhere

Think about all of the data now out there, from old transaction systems to new networking sites, there is an amazing amount for analysts to sink their teeth into. Some interesting sources that I have heard of over the past year include: Immediate web traffic analytics which then derive suggestions

Angela Hall 0
SAS Installation Troubleshooting

During the SESUG2008 Conference, I attended the presentation: "Best Practices for SAS BI Administrators: Using SAS Configuration Troubleshooter to Keep SAS Solutions and SAS BI Applications Running Smoothly" by Tanya Kalich. It appears to be a great tool to troubleshoot initial installations or manage major changes to the configuration. The

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100th Post Anniversary

Can you believe it? Three years ago the SAS BI-ogsource was started as a central area to store my personal musings about how to best use and manage the SAS Business Intelligence Solution (and the various components). It has been interesting meeting people from around the globe and see how

Angela Hall 0
Stored Process - Pass through Authentication

In the past we’ve had a lot of issues with calling stored processes from the SAS Portal without being “re-prompted” for authentication. We’ve tested this approach out and it works. (Submitted by Brian Miles, Zencos Consulting)

Angela Hall 0
Search through SAS User Group Papers

Mentioned during a paper at the NESUG conference, Lex Jansen has set up a complete search of SAS papers on his website: I typically use the SAS Global Forum search ( but Lex brought in all the regional and industry specific papers.

Angela Hall 0
Simple Customizations to SAS Web Report Studio

Want to change the text in the SAS Web Report Studio header from "SAS Web Report Studio" to "ACME Inc" or any other company name? Create a LocalProperties.xml in the folder: C:Program FilesSASSASWebReportStudio3.1customer (for Windows) Set the Company Logo visible XML tab to ‘false’ and the change the Product Logo

Angela Hall 0
OLAP Server Memory Issue

When building the cube, the OLAP Server is not the workhorse, it is the Workspace Server. Therefore, when receiving out of memory errors during Cube Building, check the MEMSIZE within the Workspace Server configuration. ERROR: A problem was encountered during data summarization. NOTE: The initial memory limit for classification tables

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Free SAS Training Material

Did you know that there is a wealth of SAS Training Material for free? I have this bookmarked for reference material and continued education. Free Tutorials: UPDATED URL (2009Aug03) SAS Papers Online: Users Group Proceedings:

Angela Hall 0
Navigating the SAS Documentation

A consistent theme has occurred over the past couple months, navigating the SAS Documentation is a must-learn skill. Easily access the functions, proc statements, special (component specific) topics is essential! Included below is the overview documentation on the SAS Intelligence Platform: The SAS V9 Documentation includes information about the SAS

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Perfmon for Windows - or Souped up Task Manager

I have used this with much success with clients' Windows servers. It makes searching on .sas batch programs, determining which sas.exe is for what BI server, etc. Use the 'Find' function and simply type in the .sas file or BI service component you are looking for. This also provides more

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Teradata, Sybase & ODBC Access Performance

"I have been doing a lot of performance testing recently with the Teradata access engine vs the ODBC access engine on the same Teradata instance, and from the same server the ODBC access engine on Sybase IQ. Setup: This is all done from a SAS 9.1.3 SP4 installation, with the

Angela Hall 0
Migrating EG Projects through Dev-Test-Prod

I wanted to share a trick/technique with you all regarding making it easier to migrate EG projects from one environment to another. The issue is that there are often occasions where it is necessary to code file paths in an EG project (just like in any other SAS program) and

Angela Hall 0
MDX DRILLUPMEMBER Function for Rollup Measures

When trying to generate rollup measures for further statitical analysis from an OLAP cube, completing in MDX proved much more efficient then querying and running PROC MEANS steps. Included is an example of how to utilize the DRILLUPMEMBER() function in MDX code:

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