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Boris Evelson ist nicht irgendein Branchenkenner: Der Analyst ist vielleicht der BI Experte bei Forrester! Wie schon oft zuvor schaut er auch 2013 in die Glaskugel und trifft Voraussagen, welche Themen in diesem Jahr dominieren werden. Beim Lesen seines Artikels ist mir klar geworden, wie gut SAS® Visual Analytics den eigentlich erst noch
~ contributed by Debbie Buck for the SAS Global Users Group Executive Board The SAS Global Users Group Executive Board is currently soliciting applications from individuals interested in applying for the position of Conference Chair for SAS Global Forum 2015 to be held in Dallas, TX, April 26-29. The deadline
Suppose that you have a SAS/IML matrix and you want to set each element of a submatrix to zero (or any other value). There is a simple syntax that accomplishes this task. If you subscript a matrix and do not specify a row, it means "use all rows." So, for
This week's tip is from Michael Raithel and his classic book The Complete Guide to SAS Indexes. Michael has a wealth of SAS experience and is a frequent and sought-out speaker at SAS Global Forum and regional user group conferences. If you get the opportunity to hear him speak, don't
Yes, it’s February 15 and plenty of people celebrated yesterday for obvious reasons; Valentine’s Day. But today, SAS Global Forum is celebrating for other reasons. It’s not about flowers, candy and love notes for us this week– it’s about content, content and more content. That’s right – we’re celebrating today
Recently, I was having lunch with a city council member who shared a litany of comments about the outstanding job the city and its staff does in all areas of city operations. She remarked on how little the public understands about all the city does and how efficiently it’s done.
SAS Code for your Valentine - just in case you forgot to get flowers, chocolate or other tokens of affection for the big day yesterday.
What are the odds of winning the lottery? This seems like a simple question (and yes, there is a simple answer), but there are a few technical details to work out first... Which lottery? Let's say the Powerball Lottery. When? The number of balls used in the Powerball lottery has
I am a big fan of SAS Management Console. This is the central location where you can perform many of your SAS administration tasks. One of the most important tasks of a SAS Administrator is making sure data is available to the right people when they need it. Most of
February is Heart Month First the bad news, heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women. Now the good news, heart disease is preventable and controllable. Chews Strategically will focus on the health of your heart for the month of February so tune in and learn
If you are like me, you've experienced the following frustration. You are reading the SAS/STAT documentation, trying to understand some procedure or option, when you find an example that is very similar to what you need. "Great," you think, "this example will help me understand how the SAS procedure works!"
The Graph Template Language (GTL) provides you the ability to create complex graphical layouts. We have seen how to create a regular grid of cells based on one or more classification variables using the SGPANEL procedure. Each cell contains the same type of plot. This topic was covered in Dan's article on
Suppose you have an old jalopy that's perfectly reliable. Your jalopy gets you where you wanna go: no frills; no drama. Do you trade your old wheels in for a racecar that accelerates like crazy and corners like it's on rails? Or stick with what's old and comfortable? Your choice
There are many different ways to do something; my approach is all about breaking a problem into smaller problems. I try as much as possible to stay away from developing something that can only serve a purpose in one problem. I achieve this by keeping things modular. Each tool should
In linear algebra, the I symbol is used to denote an n x n identity matrix. The symbol J (or sometimes 1) is used to denote an n x p matrix of ones. When the SAS/IML language was implemented, the I function was defined to generate the identity matrix. The J function was defined