Leanne Tang had a problem. She has one giant database that houses data from all of the units at National Agricultural Statistics Service. She has hundreds of people who need access, but she wants individual users to have access only to the data that meets their needs. In Tang’s
Tag: SAS Administrators
Security: Purposeful database access
My SAS Global Forum 2012
I had an amazing time at SAS Global Forum this year, from the Tweet Up/Geek Out on Saturday night to the closing session where Chris Hemedinger cloned himself for a high-performance speech. I had the great fortune of presenting a pre-conference workshop with Greg Nelson of Thotwave. If you are
SAS, big data and Hadoop
Many companies are challenged not only with analyzing big data, but with storing and accessing the data. In some cases, organizations can choose an open source storage solution to reduce costs. One popular open source solution is Hadoop. Anna Brown is talking with Paul Kent, Vice President Big Data at SAS,