Tag: SAS life

Chris Hemedinger 0
Giving students The Power to Know

Today, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of high school students at a community outreach event sponsored by the Human Resources division at SAS. Approximately 80 students from schools as far away as Charlotte came to visit SAS and hear about the impact that SAS and analytics

Chris Hemedinger 0

Read how Stacey and Christine are working to join the ranks of the certified (and not the certifiable, we hope). I'm sure that PROC CERTIFY (as they've dubbed it) is an example of one proc that won't end with a QUIT; but with a RUN;

Chris Hemedinger 0
Rank and file

When I applied for a job at SAS over 15 years ago, I didn't even know what the company did. [Insert dummy joke here.] Most of what I knew about the company came from colleagues at my former workplace who, perhaps in an effort to make themselves feel better, described

Chris Hemedinger 0
Coat check conspiracy

As a dedicated SAS employee, I take advantage of as many offered perks as I can, and that includes attending the annual SAS Winter Party. My wife and I have not missed one since I started working here, which means that last weekend we attended for the 16th time. Every

Chris Hemedinger 0
Talking Turkey about SAS

From the "how far can we take this metaphor?" department... Want to whet your Thankgiving appetite? Read this blog post from R. L. Burns. The "meat and gravy" section is near the bottom of the post. (Personally, I consider myself the giblets.)

Chris Hemedinger 0
Poetry in commotion

In addition to writing code, SAS R&D developers are very accustomed to writing poems. I don't mean rhyming poetry like sonnets (though we do hear the occasional randy limerick). When a developer wants to make a code change in a SAS product, he or she is required to complete a

Chris Hemedinger 0
The boss makes it to yet another list

I know it's difficult to keep track of all of the lists that feature Jim Goodnight. But I thought it was especially interesting when I saw him on someone's "bucket list". I'm not sure if the list in priority order. Dr. Goodnight falls just below Thomas Friedman, but ahead of

Chris Hemedinger 0
The boss makes the list

Information Week released its list of 15 Innovators & Influencers Who Will Make A Difference In 2008. From the article: Meet 15 people who will help shape the business technology world in the coming year. They're not the usual suspects -- the names everyone knows. Several are industry and tech

Chris Hemedinger 0
What's my line?

Today was "career day" in my daughter's 3rd grade classroom. A few privileged parents were invited to attend and answer questions about their professions, press-conference style. Among those on a panel of nine parents, the panelists that saw the most action included the Dog Trainer, the Duke Life Flight Nurse,

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