Tag: medicaid

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 0
Empowering improved Medicaid policy using whole person analytics

Before I started with SAS, I worked at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health. Among many other projects, our analytics work included integrating data from multiple county departments and risk stratifying citizens in the greatest need of public services.   This led to our 1115 Whole Person Care (WPC) waiver

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management
Josh Morgan 0
LA County's Whole Person Care analytics program offers crucial flexibility  

When Los Angeles County invested in Whole Person Care (WPC) it could not have known just how important the system’s flexibility would be. Anyone who has had an interface with health care delivery, policy, oversight and management know things change quickly. As data becomes a priority, expectations of the use

Analytics | Data Management
Jeremy Racine 0
Behavioral health remains a blind spot in health IT

Behavioral health information technology (HIT) adoption efforts have struggled and are still plagued by a number of challenges. Since 2011, the federal government has incentivized the industry to the tune of $37 billion. However, according to US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) “psychologists, community mental health centers, psychiatric hospitals, and others