La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) salió de los libros y las películas de ciencia ficción. Actualmente es parte de la vida cotidiana de millones de personas alrededor del mundo: está presente en sus dispositivos móviles, en sus navegadores, en las plataformas que utilizan para reproducir música y video, cuando compran en
Tag: mapping
La Inteligencia Artificial lo pone en los zapatos del cliente
Where is this Dakota Access Pipeline they're protesting?
You've probably seen dramatic pictures in the news lately about the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline - Native Americans versus bulldozers, protesters and tipis in a blizzard, and things like that. But do you really know much about this pipeline? For example, where will it go, and where have the
Tornadoes: Picking up the pieces with SAS
Last night, here in the U.S., an outbreak of deadly tornadoes tore across several states. Unfortunately, nobody knows how to predict a tornado with certainty, but let's brainstorm on how SAS Software can help analyze the data in the aftermath of a natural disaster like this... Being a graph guy, the first