Tag: gut instinct

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
Our Second Brain

Have you ever experienced that “gut feeling” ….you know the one that’s trying to tell you something and you don’t know why?  I remember having a feeling I couldn’t quite explain fifteen years ago. There was a job opportunity in Canada.  As a way to entice moving there, I was provided

Peter Dorrington 0
Uneasy bedfellows: analysis and intuition?

Yesterday at The Premier Business Leadership Series, I had the tremendous pleasure of attending the panel debate Balancing Intuition and Analytics in Decision Making. The panelists were: Malcolm Gladwell - Best-selling author of Outliers: The Story of Success, Blink and The Tipping Point; Tom Davenport - Best-selling author of Competing

Kelly Levoyer 0
The great debate: analytics vs. instinct

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Blink, and Tom Davenport, Babson College professor and author of Competing on Analytics, engaged this morning in a debate on a live Webcast onsite at The Premier Business Leadership Series at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. The theme of the debate is analytics vs. instinct: