Tag: bots

Nicolas Erpen 0
Advanced analytics e a próxima transformação das telecomunicações

Com as grandes mudanças provocadas pela crescente digitalização durante a pandemia, os players da indústria de telecomunicações que buscam se reinventar recorrem a análises avançadas para se adaptar a um ambiente de negócios dinâmico e encontrar novas fontes de receita. As operadoras conseguiram responder adequadamente ao aumento substancial das necessidades

Artificial Intelligence
Wayne Thompson 0
Let's chat about chatbots

A chatbot is a computer program that uses natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation and derive a response. Essentially, it’s a machine that can chat with you or respond to your chatter. Chatbots can save time and money when used to handle simple, automated tasks. 

Advanced Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning
Maarten Oosten 0
Bots, collusion and accountability in pricing

In the recent article, “Price-bots can collude against consumers,” the Economist discusses the consumer effects of prices set by price-bots. The article starts with an example of gasoline pricing strategies on Martha’s Vineyard. With a small number of gas stations on the island, the price-bots can cover all competitor prices frequently