
Analytics | Data Management | Students & Educators
Katrina Miller 0
Minnesota longitudinal data system exploring COVID's effects on pre-k to workforce journey

Minnesota's longitudinal data system integrates early childhood education, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to create a panoramic view of education outcomes. The merging of systems results in data linking and improves the overall data quality and performance of the P-20 Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) and Early Childhood Longitudinal

Analytics | Data for Good | SAS Events
Josh Morgan 0
The case for uniting data: A public and moral duty for mental health

Mental health and data sharing. Seeing those phrases in a single sentence gives even the most seasoned professionals pause. This is legitimately sensitive data. And there are often specialized confidentiality and privacy laws due to the stigma and discrimination against those with mental health disorders.  All the same, many agencies are starting to ask

Analytics | Data Management | Students & Educators
Katrina Miller 0
Statewide longitudinal data system helps feed children in need

Statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS) have been around for many years, helping states understand students’ paths through the education system and beyond. The COVID-19 pandemic was an opportunity for one state’s SLDS to step up in new ways that helped feed children in need. With the US Department of Agriculture

Analytics | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 4
3 ways data can help homeless youth 

What comes to mind when you think of a “homeless person”? Chances are, you’ll picture an adult, probably male, dirty, likely with some health conditions, including a mental illness. Few of us would immediately recall homeless individuals as family members, neighbors, co-workers and other loved ones. Fewer still are likely aware of how many youths (both minors and young adults) experience homelessness annually.  Homeless youth is a population who can

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Mike Pflug 0
What do identity thieves covet the most?

Recently nine pharmacists from across the country were charged for their part in a $12.1M health care fraud scheme. The pharmacists allegedly took money for prescription medications that were neither purchased nor dispensed. The indictments further allege that the defendants billed Medicare and Medicaid for medications that were often medically unnecessary and for some medications that were purportedly dispensed to

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Tom Wriggins 0
COVID opens door to pervasive healthcare fraud

It's easy to get distracted by new developments in the fight against healthcare fraud. New services. New providers. Relaxation of rules. The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly revolutionized the healthcare landscape. For instance, the government made sweeping regulatory changes to accommodate a surge in patients. Healthcare delivery and payment organizations, commercial

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Jen Dunham 0
Fighting bribery and corruption with supplier integrity

Bribery and corruption continue to plague governments and organizations around the world. Brazil’s Operation Car Wash, the 1MDB scandal in Malaysia, the FIFA bribery case and many others continue to make headlines. The prevalence of widespread, coordinated corruption and bribery is alarming and seems to continue to grow, despite ongoing sanctions and fines meant to deter these

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