I can’t take credit for selecting Seattle as the site of SAS Global Forum 2010. But I can thank the SAS Global Forum Executive Board for making that decision a number of years ago. We had a terrific conference the last time (SUGI 28 in 2003), and that must be
I first met conference chair Lauren Haworth back in 1997 when she was presenting a paper at the Pacific NorthWest SAS users group. Since that time, she's gone on to chair the Western Users of SAS (WUSS) conference (twice!), write 2 SAS Press books, serve as a section chair for
The Call for Papers has been open over 2 weeks now, and the response is good. We’ve heard from SAS users from over 35 companies from all over the world. The first submission was from the UK, but we’ve also had submissions from Singapore, Canada, Italy, and of course the
I have 2 exciting things to blog about: the opening of the Call for Papers, and the new SAS Global Forum Web site. First, the Call for Papers is now officially open through Monday, October 26. Call for papers sections are classified under two primary categories - Technology Solutions and
What have you been up to since SAS Global Forum 2009? For me, among other things, I’ve seen Mt Hood on a clear day while supporting the Pharmaceutical SAS users group (PharmaSUG) meeting in Portland, OR. I’ve managed to get to the local farmer’s market on a weekly basis (the

Elisa Priest, a doctoral student in epidemiology at the University of North Texas, was selected as one of nine SAS Student Ambassadors for 2009. She also won the "Best Contributed Paper" in the Statistics Section. Her presentation, Easier Exploratory Analysis for Epidemiology: A Grad Student How-To Paper, was very well
If you aren’t familiar with SAS-L, now’s a good time to take a look at it. It’s another information channel where SAS users go to ask and post answers. At SAS Global Forum 2009, SAS-Lers continued its tradition of honoring those who’ve contributed most significantly during the past year. “There

That's a wrap! Alan Hoffler provides a takes a last look back at SAS Global Forum 2009. We hope to see you next year at SAS Global Forum 2010 in Seattle. Find out more at http://www.sas.com/sasglobalforum/2010. Web Links: SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2009VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf09ep33

SAS Senior Software Manager and co-author of SAS for Dummies Chris Hemedinger talks about his experiences at SAS Global Forum 2009. Web Links: SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2009VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf09ep32

SAS Research Statistician Rick Wicklin talks about the new SAS interface with R in SAS/IML Studio. Web Links: SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2009VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf09ep31