How many times have you taken a vacation and wished you had a little more time to check out the city? Have you ever extended your stay at a conference to enjoy a "mini-vacation" and peruse the local venues? Well, why not plan ahead and stimulate your mind as well?
The SASonality series is about connecting you with SAS users that you may not have taken time to really get to know. Today, I’m going to introduce you to someone that you’ve seen at the SAS regional users group conferences. As you’ll see after reading his interview, he’s created a

I think being greedy is a virtue – especially when you are trying to feed your intellectual curiosity! You can satiate that hunger at SAS Global Forum, which offers an unlimited buffet of thought-provoking ideas and discussions. To give you a glimpse of what to expect at Las Vegas this
Did you know that our tongue possesses an average of 10,000 taste buds to differentiate between the myriad flavors? Luckily for you, at SAS Global Forum we have a wonderful array of flavors to appease your every taste bud. There is something special for everyone in the new series that

Appetizers usually play a significant role in ensuring a good restaurant experience…right? A good appetizer whets your appetite and gets you psyched and excited for the main course! This series of blog posts aims to do just that…whet your appetite for what’s in store at SAS Global Forum. In the
This is the fifth post in the SASonality series. In this week’s post, I’ve interviewed Rick Langston, a man most SAS users have met or read about. He’s been with SAS for 30 years and attended nearly every SUGI/SAS Global Forum. In the photo at the right, Rick is the
This is the week that I’m supposed to clean up my office (I won’t.), and things are supposed to slow down (They have a little.). Some folks are still here physically at work, but I think that their hearts and minds are elsewhere! Most everyone is in the mood for
In the few months before SAS Global Forum 2011, I'd like to introduce you to as many special SAS personalities as possible. As you probably know, I've labeled their special character, SASonality. In today's post, I'm introducing you to Rick Wicklin. Rick and I have never met face-to-face, but I
This year’s winners of the Best Paper Award at SAS Belux Forum 2010 have been given a trip to SAS Global Forum 2011 in Las Vegas. Attending any SAS users group event is an exciting opportunity to meet other SAS users and learn new ways to use SAS, but this
In this ongoing series about people with SASonality, today’s introduction is Diane Hatcher, a Solutions Architect from SAS Technology Practice. Diane and I had exchanged e-mails many times before meeting face-to-face for the first time at SESUG 2010. Every time I passed through the SAS Solutions Center, I noticed that