Tag: sas author’s tip

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Shelly Goodin 2
SAS author’s tip: Useful secret options

In honor of the 2012 Olympics, this week’s SAS tip is from award-winning UK author Phil Mason and his book In the Know...SAS Tips and Techniques from Around the Globe, Second Edition. SAS user Ron Fehd proclaimed Phil Mason "one of the SAS user community's famous creative tinkerers--the SAS user version

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Using JMP to compare two variances

If you're using JMP, please read on. This week's tip is from Professor Robert Carver and his popular book Practical Data Analysis with JMP. To read a free chapter and reviews of the book, visit Robert's author page.  The following excerpt is from SAS Press author Robert Carver and his book "Practical Data Analysis with JMP" Copyright ©

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Shelly Goodin 1
SAS author's tip: Eliminate clipped terms

If you communicate with an international audience, this tip is for you. John Kohl is a gifted linguistic engineer, technical writer and editor, and author of the award-winning The Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear, Translatable Documentation for a Global Market. At the beginning of the book, John introduces The Cardinal

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Shelly Goodin 1
SAS author's tip: %NLINMIX macro tips

This week's %NLINMIX macro tips come from the esteemed authors of SAS for Mixed Models, Second Edition. Ramon C. Littell, George A. Milliken, Walter W. Stroup, Russell D. Wolfinger, and Oliver Schabenberger combined their expertise to write this indispensable guide. This 800 page book has made a big impact in the user community

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: scatterplots of ice cream consumption

This week's SAS tip features scatterplots of ice cream data. Geoff Der and Brain Everitt and their book Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide offer up many intriguing examples. Besides analyzing ice cream consumption, the authors use heights and resting pulse rates, horse race winners, and brain tumors to illustrate statistical techniques. Emphasizing the practical

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Shelly Goodin 3
SAS author's tip: the Student t-distribution

Remarkably, this week's tip was initially inspired by the Guinness Brewery in Dublin, Ireland. In his new book Statistical Analysis for Business Using JMP, Professor Willbann Terpening provides lots of useful information - including the origin and usage of the Student t-distribution. If you'd like to get to know Willbann and

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Using MLOGIC

This week's SAS author's tip comes from Carol Matthews and Brian Shilling and their book Validating Clinical Trial Data Reporting with SAS.  SAS users have raved about this guide. In her review, Susan Fehrer said "Carol and Brian's book provides a good overview, practical hands-on tips, and many examples of how to perform

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