Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 0
Perfmon for Windows - or Souped up Task Manager

I have used this with much success with clients' Windows servers. It makes searching on .sas batch programs, determining which sas.exe is for what BI server, etc. Use the 'Find' function and simply type in the .sas file or BI service component you are looking for. This also provides more

Angela Hall 1
Teradata, Sybase & ODBC Access Performance

"I have been doing a lot of performance testing recently with the Teradata access engine vs the ODBC access engine on the same Teradata instance, and from the same server the ODBC access engine on Sybase IQ. Setup: This is all done from a SAS 9.1.3 SP4 installation, with the

Angela Hall 1
Migrating EG Projects through Dev-Test-Prod

I wanted to share a trick/technique with you all regarding making it easier to migrate EG projects from one environment to another. The issue is that there are often occasions where it is necessary to code file paths in an EG project (just like in any other SAS program) and

Angela Hall 0
MDX DRILLUPMEMBER Function for Rollup Measures

When trying to generate rollup measures for further statitical analysis from an OLAP cube, completing in MDX proved much more efficient then querying and running PROC MEANS steps. Included is an example of how to utilize the DRILLUPMEMBER() function in MDX code: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/10894_3572621_2

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Grabbing the Data Creation Date

The data table creation date is sometimes necessary, say in the footnote of your stored process. Included below is a sample to retrieve this date from the file system. /*Open the dataset*/ %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.shoes)); data _null_; /*grab the CRDTE function*/ ddate=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid;,CRDTE )); /*Format in DDMONYY*/ call symput('ddate', put(ddate, dtdate9.)); run;

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