Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 1
jBoss Issue Related to Excessive Debugging in Logs

New jBoss installs might store excessive logging due to a malformed comment in log4j.properties that threw JBoss into a debug state on startup. There was a comment tag in the jboss-log4j.xml file something like !-- -------------Add new line here à All of the additional hyphens were causing the SASServer1 to

Angela Hall 4
Favorite Things about the SAS 9.2 EBI and BI Installations

After completing several SAS 9.2 BI and EBI installations, I must profess my love for the improvements: greener! - cds shipped by customer request only, default is Electronic Download faster! less manual steps fewer system user accounts many more sample plans available for more 'standard' installs significant reduction in post-install

Angela Hall 1
Differences in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 and 4.2

SAS Enterprise Guide uses HTML as the output default format. So for converted projects in SAS EG 4.2, there is a possible situation where the reports fail to view. Change the default back to HTML (or deploy SAS EG 4.2 with that format option selected). The option in 4.2 is

Angela Hall 4
jBoss to IIS Connections

You can utilize IIS on your standard web server to connect to the jBoss SAS Installation. There are three steps that must be followed to the T: 1. On IIS Machine A. Create a file location for the dll and properties files. (This location via be referenced via a virtual

Angela Hall 0
Supporting a SAS Server Architecture

My prerogative has always been to share my knowledge with the entire SAS user community (hence this blog & all my SAS papers). For an approach to supporting the entire SAS Server Architecture, I presented a paper at the SGF 2009 conference and created a Wiki page in SASCommunity.org to

Angela Hall 2
Creating a Date Range Prompt in Web Report Studio

Getting a date prompt that filters on a range of dates requires an Information Map with a date variable that exists twice on the Information Map, two different prompts, and application of both within a Web Report Studio Report. Included are steps to get this to work. Within Information Map

Angela Hall 1
Update Library Metadata via EG GUI Interface

Instead of writing proc metalib statements, SAS has a custom task that you can download into Enterprise Guide. This interface provides non-SAS coders a quick mechanism to register new tables created on the server to the Metadata Library. http://support.sas.com/demosdownloads/setupcat.jsp?cat=SAS%20Enterprise%20Guide

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