Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 0
Capitalize the 1st letter - or better yet not

So you are viewing your SAS Web Report and find that all the data elements capitalizations have changed - instead of no caps or all caps, everything is prop cap (or at least PROPCASE). This is actually a default option in Information Map Studio. To turn it off, select Tools

Angela Hall 0
Developing custom OLAP cube aggregations

Business problem: By default, OLAP cubes calculate aggregations at each possible intersection of levels in one or more dimensions. However, there are situations where aggregations cannot be completed on the fly for all intersections within the cube due to business rules for some data levels. Also, the source data table

Angela Hall 0
Addressing security at the root - BI Dashboard 4.2 tips

You may choose to address security of who can view what dashboards within a SAS Information Delivery Portal page by managing the 'Sharing' capabilities at the Page or Portlet levels, however the most gradular level might also require a 'lock down' to avoid users surfing for and locating dashboards they

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