Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 2
Special request for star schema OLAP cubes

When creating an OLAP Cube from a Star Schema table, the Dimensions / Hierarchies created must be free of all blanks. This is because the name is used as a table alias in the SQL Join. The obvious error in the resulting code example below: proc sql; create table geography

Mark Stevens 0
New Business Intelligence Certification Launched

Last month, the SAS Global Certification program added a new credential, the SAS Certified BI Content Developer. My first blog post from May described how a global team of BI experts collaborated to create the beta exam. In May and June, candidates from a broad background of experience (novice to

Angela Hall 2
Creating a relational OLAP cube (ROLAP)

SAS allows for three different cube storage mechanisms: 1. MOLAP The traditional SAS OLAP Cube will all aggregations / nway stored on a physical file structure accessible by the SAS OLAP Cube Server. 2. ROLAP A relational OLAP cube - where no aggregations are stored and SAS points to the

Angela Hall 2
Discovering the power of ODS ExcelXP tagsets

The ODS ExcelXP tagset is pretty powerful stuff. Hidding columns, changing the print layout to landscape, updating the spreadsheet names, defining the default column width and row height, etc - it's all available using options within the ExcelXP setup. So the best thing to do is grab some documentation. Fortunetly,

Angela Hall 6
Need a place to put other web viewable files?

What if you need someplace to store static files for web consumption. Things that might come to mind: Images HTML Static Title Pages JavaScript PDF Documentation (such as how-to instructions) An ideal place would be a HTML server, since these aren't active files. However in a standard 9.2 installation, there

Angela Hall 0
Expand all OLAP levels in Web Report Studio

When viewing OLAP cubes in Web Report Studio, there comes a time when the user might want to view all the levels within the hierarchy, without the cumbersome process of selecting and expanding each individual item. In 9.2, there is a quick solution. When you right click on the level-heading

Angela Hall 0
ODS graphics in activeX

Using ActiveX in SAS graphics provides users with more functionality, options, and pretty colors than Jpeg, gif, etc (check out these examples). The issue is that ActiveX requires a device driver installed on the viewing machine, similar to Flash. In SAS 9.2, the sasgraph.exe is available within the SASWEB component deployed

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