
Carl Farrell 0
Energized about energy

I’ve been told I have rocks for brains before, but right now I have rocks on the brain – the kind that are millions of years old and contain precious stores of oil and gas. One reason I have petroleum on my mind is that I’ve just returned from Brazil, where

Renee Nocker 0
You snooze, you lose.....

This was probably my favorite of the myth-busters webcasts I have been spewing about, and now I definitely want to meet James Dallas so we can discuss and nod emphatically at each other’s insights on this topic! The “You can’t have analytics without IT” myth is the fourth myth covered

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Renee Nocker 0
What is a better decision worth?

The word “analytics” is widely misused and misunderstood.  While SAS arguably invented the advanced analytics and predictive analytics categories more than 38 years ago, other software vendors have used the term to describe things like reporting, monitoring, and tracking what happened.  The value of these more simple capabilities are easily

Data Management
Ravi Chari 1
Series: BCBS 239 – Principle 13

Principle 13: Remedial actions and supervisory measures - Supervisors should have and use the appropriate tools and resources to require effective and timely remedial action by a bank to address deficiencies in its risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting practices. Supervisors should have the ability to use a range

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