
Stuart Rose
Senior Product Marketing Manager

Stuart Rose is the Global Insurance Marketing Manager for SAS. He began his career as an actuary and now has more than 25 years of experience in the insurance industry working for companies in the US, Europe and South Africa. Stuart has written many insurance-related articles and is also the co-author of Executive’s Guide to Solvency II.

Data Management
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The final countdown… and beyond

It’s rather appropriate that the rock band Europe recorded the hit “The Final Countdown”, because today, September 22nd, represents 100 days until the much anticipated (and delayed) European insurance legislation Solvency II will come into effect on January 1st 2016. Designed to introduce a harmonized, EU-wide insurance regulation, Solvency II

Internet of Things
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Flipping the data equation

Big Data has become a technology buzzword. But how is Big Data changing insurance? Historically, insurance companies have used SMALL data to make BIG decisions. Today, insurers are using BIG data for SMALL decisions. What does this mean? Traditionally, insurance companies have aggregated data to group risks into broad categories

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No more excuses.. Analytics IS a game changer

Good analytics survey last year found that 72% of insurance executive agreed that analytics is the biggest game-changer in the next 2 years. Bad news...compared to other industries the adoption rates of analytics in the insurance has lagged other industries. To reverse this trend and help insurers travel down the

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Help wanted

The insurance industry is heading for a crisis. Depending on which report you read the insurance industry is facing a shortfall in job vacancy from anything from 40,000 to nearly half million in the next few years. Baby boomers in specialized jobs like underwriters and claims adjusters are retiring and insurers

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Customer experience conundrum

Who is your best customer?  The answer to this question can vary dramatically depending on your industry. A retailer’s best customer is someone who comes back to their store over and over again. A gym owner’s best customer could be considered consumer who pays their monthly on time but never

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Time is precious, so are your analytical models

The analytical lifecycle is iterative and interactive in nature. The process is not a one and done exercise, insurance companies need to continuously evaluate and manage its growing model portfolio. In the last of four articles on the analytical lifecycle, this blog will cover the model management process. Model management

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Putting predictive analytics to work.

Insurance relies on the ability to predict future claims or loss exposure based on historical information and experience. However, insurers face an uncertain future due to spiraling operational costs, escalating regulatory pressures, increasing competition and greater customer expectations. More than ever, insurance companies need to optimize their business processes. But

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Demystifying analytics

There is no doubt that analytics is an overused and often abused term. So what does really analytics means? In part 2 of a series of articles on the analytical lifecycle, this blog will highlight some of the common and emerging techniques used to analyze data and build predictive models