
Joe Nyangon

With more than 15 years of experience in energy and climate R&D, Joe Nyangon leads the design and development of advanced analytics solutions for power and utility customers. A member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, Nyangon is focused on helping customers use analytics for distributed energy resource (DER) forecasting, economy-wide decarbonization, optimization, electricity transmission and distribution strategic planning, uncertainty and scenario analysis. Nyangon is the author of the Sustainable Energy Investment book and more than 60 articles in scientific journals about energy economics, electricity market design, electricity generation and transmission planning, policy and regulatory innovation, and quantitative climate risk modeling and scenario analysis.

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Innovation | Machine Learning | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
Managing stranded asset risks in the energy sector with analytics

As the world moves toward a low-carbon future, the power and utilities industry faces significant financial and reputational risks due to the potential stranding of resources and assets. This transition to carbon-free energy sources could render carbon-intensive assets – such as coal- and gas-fired power plants, coal mines and hydrocarbon

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
How new regulations could streamline climate-related financial risk disclosures

Today’s investors are eager to understand the climate-related risks of their business investments, not just because they are becoming more climate-conscious but also because climate-related risk can bring financial risk. A newly proposed rule in the US aims to bring more transparency to those risks. In March, the US Securities