Ever since generative AI burst onto the scene, it has sparked a whirlwind of ethical concerns. Unlike traditional AI, which typically analyzes and makes predictions based on existing data, GenAI creates entirely new content – videos, text, audio, code and more.

This creative power introduces a new level of risk, with organizations and society scrambling to address the ethical challenges it brings. From deepfakes to intellectual property rights, the issues surrounding GenAI are complex and – in many cases – unprecedented.

Understanding ethical AI is critical to mitigating these risks, so let's dive into six unique ethical challenges posed by GenAI.

1. GenAI can take deepfakes to a new level

GenAI's ability to produce human-like text, images and videos at scale presents a significant risk for the creation and rapid spread of misinformation. Unlike traditional AI, which might misclassify information, GenAI can fabricate convincing but false narratives, deepfake videos or realistic images that never existed.

This could be exploited to manipulate pricing, influence elections, or cause widespread panic.

2. GenAI tramples intellectual property rights

GenAI’s creative capabilities raise tough questions about intellectual property rights. These systems, trained on data sets containing copyrighted materials, can produce content that mimics or combines elements from existing works.

This blurs the lines of originality and authorship and potentially infringes on copyrights, challenging our current understanding of IP law.

3. GenAI may destroy trust in digital information

As generative AI becomes more sophisticated, the authenticity of digital information will be scrutinized more closely. Unlike traditional AI systems, which process and analyze existing data, GenAI can create content that is difficult to distinguish from human-created work.

This capability may erode public trust in digital information as the line between authentic and artificially generated content becomes increasingly blurred.

4. GenAI may exacerbate bias and discrimination

While bias is a concern in all AI systems, GenAI has the potential to amplify and perpetuate biases in more insidious ways. Traditional AI might make biased decisions, but GenAI can create biased content that appears authoritative and factual.

For instance, it could generate biased news articles, job descriptions, or marketing materials that reinforce stereotypes and discriminatory practices. The scale and persuasiveness make addressing these biases more challenging and potentially more harmful to marginalized groups.

5. GenAI can have a negative psyche and social impacts

GenAI's ability to engage in human-like interactions raises unique psychological and social concerns. Unlike traditional AI systems, which typically have limited interaction capabilities, GenAI can carry on extended, context-aware conversations. This could lead to individuals forming emotional attachments to AI entities, blurring the lines between human and machine relationships.

There's a risk of social isolation, as people may prefer interactions with AI over human connections, potentially impacting mental health and social cohesion on a broader scale.

6. GenAI’s autonomy creates an accountability and governance quagmire

With traditional AI, the decision-making process – while sometimes opaque – is based on existing data and defined parameters. GenAI, however, can produce novel content that may not be directly traceable to its training data.

This autonomy makes it more difficult to assign responsibility for AI-generated content and to govern its use effectively. While GenAI holds immense potential for innovation and creativity, it’s also a new frontier of ethical challenges beyond those of traditional AI systems.

As organizations and society continue to integrate these powerful tools, it is crucial to develop comprehensive ethical frameworks, regulatory approaches and societal norms that address these unique risks and ensure that GenAI is developed and deployed responsibly.

Looking ahead to the future of GenAI ethics

In the end, the rapid evolution of GenAI isn’t just a technological issue – it’s a societal one. Navigating the ethical maze of this new AI frontier will require a collective effort from policymakers, tech leaders and all of us as consumers.

These challenges may feel overwhelming, but by addressing them head-on, we have the opportunity to shape the future of AI in a way that benefits everyone. After all, with great power comes great responsibility.

Generative AI: What it is and why it matters


About Author

Vrushali Sawant

Data Scientist, Data Ethics Practice

Vrushali Sawant is a data scientist with SAS's Data Ethics Practice (DEP), steering the practical implementation of fairness and trustworthy principles into the SAS platform. She regularly writes and speaks about practical strategies for implementing trustworthy AI systems. With a background in analytical consulting, data management and data visualization she has been helping customers make data driven decisions for a decade. She holds a Masters in Data Science and Masters in Business Administration Degree.

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