US Space Force, US Space Command and industry pros explore how new technologies can be a force multiplier in space operations. Spoiler alert: The sky is not the limit.

More than 300 US military, government civilian and industry professionals landed at SAS world headquarters June 25-26 for Cognitive Space Operations Reverse Industry Days. Their mission: Discuss ways AI and machine learning can accelerate decision cycles and enhance situational awareness.

According to many of the speakers, including keynote General Michael A. Guetlein, Vice Chief of Space Operations, United States Space Force, the speed and innovation seen in the commercial sector around the use of these technologies today often surpasses what government agencies and military branches have in the works. Reverse industry days are designed for all parties to share more details around unclassified projects and intelligence in hopes the commercial sector can offer ideas.

There’s a lot at stake. In addition to national security, the US Space Force protects the US’ freedom to operate in space, keeping it secure, stable and accessible for military space power and new waves of innovation. GPS, ATMs, cell phones, traffic signals and power grids are just some of the familiar yet critical infrastructures that rely on space technology and Space Force maintenance every day. Space Force currently tracks more than 47,000 objects and 31 active GPS satellites to ensure each satellite is secure from intrusion.

AI and machine learning can speed data analysis and decision-making to help teams build capabilities, avoid operational surprises and optimize efforts. “It’s a whole new frontier that we’ll figure out … because we have to figure it out,” said Dr. Kelly Hammett, Director and Program Executive Officer for the Space Rapid Capabilities Office, in his session.

Scroll through the gallery for a glimpse of the event and more of the compelling insights shared.

Registration set the tone with an 'out of this world' welcome video backdrop in the SAS Executive Briefing Center.
CMSgt Ron Lerch, Senior Enlisted Leader for the Intelligence Directorate, Space Systems Command, US Space Force, discussed current threats in space with unclassified documentation and images.
"We have to get away from: 'I have a tough problem, and I’ve got to put a lot of people on it.' We don’t have the people,” said Tony Calabrese, GS-15, DAFC, Deputy Director and Technical Director, National Space Defense Center.
William Collis, Head of Games, R&D, provided the closing keynote.

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About Author

Becky Graebe

Director, Communications

In addition to traditional employee communication efforts at SAS, Becky Graebe oversees an award-winning global intranet and a variety of enterprise social media channels. Her goal is to create a working environment where SAS employees around the world feel connected and inspired to share fresh ideas, solutions and expertise with colleagues and customers. Having studied at Southern Methodist University and earned her degree from Stetson University, she now serves on the Employee Communications Section board for the National Public Relations Society of America, is an active member of Triangle Women in Communications, and volunteers with Citizen Schools and the Wake County Support Circle Program.

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