Are you embarking on a big data project or implementing a new analytics program and need some inspiration?
I'm not the kind of person who buys posters of inspirational quotes to hang on my office walls. But I have been known to scribble a favorite quote on my office white board. And to share quotes that speak to me on my Facebook wall.
If you find inspiration in good quotes too, see if any of the following resonate with you. We've collected these quotes below from keynote speakers at recent SAS conferences, where attendees heard presentations from inventors, astronauts, CEOs and data scientists across every industry.
My hope is that, even if you could not attend these events, you find inspiration in these statements to use data for good, to look at your data differently or to start a new project with your data.
Share them, tweet them and pin them. Or pull out your dry erase marker and write them on your white board. And if you have other favorites, share them with us in the comments - or on Twitter. Maybe we'll design something around one of your favorite quotes for our next post about inspirational quotes.
Something I like to keep in mind when working with data - data preparation & wrangling, visualization, reporting and analytics...
"Data has a story, depicts it's journey"
That's a good one! We might have to turn it into something shareable. 🙂
Thanks Alison!