And the data says? Analytics wins.


Since business analytics is all about turning data into insight that will drive future decisions, it makes perfect sense that as editor of the SAS Business Report, I’d use this mid-year month of June to study the newsletter’s data – and make sure it continues to provide you with valuable information. I reviewed a couple of data points: subscriber demographics and most popular articles over the last five issues. Here are some conclusions.

Overall, analytics and management-related content takes the cake in terms of the highest click-through and engagement rates for this newsletter. That’s not too surprising since the majority of subscribers represent management-level titles. These articles outranked others by far.

• All About Analytics: Five Essential Papers
• Understanding Analytics
• The New World of Business Analytics
• Staffing for Intelligence
• Driven by Data: The Importance of Building a Culture of Fact-Based Decision-Making

Along the same lines, our managers may be interested in Resources for Developing Analytic Talent, to be included in this month’s issue.

Results also show that many subscribers enjoy general corporate SAS news such as analyst reports and updates on company revenue growth.

There are a good amount of you who are software developers and statisticians as well. That was evident by the popularity of articles like Combining, Modifying SAS® Data Sets: Examples.

Relative to industries you represent, they run the gamut from retail to process manufacturing. I try to include articles on at least one industry per issue. A few rose to the top in popularity on insurance and health care issues. Those of you in education – and there are quite a few based on subscriber numbers – may be in interested in the new blog The SAS Training Post, particularly this must-read post on a personal experience, also to be included in the June issue.

Your main job functions include information technology, finance, marketing and risk management. SAS Business Report covers each of these through business-focused content on topics like customer intelligence and enterprise risk management, in addition to some fraud themes.

Now that you have idea of what your clicking habits reveal, are they on track? Is this the type of content you’d like to see more of? Are there any topics we haven’t explored that interest you? Talk to me, I’m all ears.


About Author

Anna Brown

Principal Communications Specialist

Anna builds customer relationships through communication strategies that reach SAS practitioners where they are. From managing online communities to editing blogs and newsletters to producing videos, Anna delivers information that makes it easy – and fun – to learn SAS.

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