
Morten Krogh Danielsen

I have always thought that the healthcare area is exciting. I hope that with my commitment and insight in the area I can contribute to the use of data playing an even greater role in the future. I think we must be better letting the data form the basis for our decisions, this goes for the hospital, department management and hospital staff. I have the privilege to work for SAS Institute as a Director in Advisory Services, Nordic Health Care. I am in daily contact with management and staff at hospitals in the Nordic countries. I work to help them solve their challenges to improve, for example, their patient perceived quality or patient safety in their hospital.

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Datadrevet ledelse skal bekæmpe uønskede infektioner

Uønskede sygehusinfektioner er et område, som både klinikere og politikere tager meget alvorligt i Region Syddanmark. Og ikke nok med det. Regionen præsenterer nu konkrete handleplaner og udbreder et system, der styrker forebygggelse og behandling af uønskede infektioner på samtlige sygehuse i regionen ved brug af datadrevet ledelse. Jeg har