On September 2 (3pm UTC / 11am EDT), I'll be joining Jonathon Karelse, CEO of NorthFind Management, for an interactive "fireside chat" on the application of Behavioral Economics in demand planning. This is part of the Foresight Webinar Series, and registration is free.
Since we first met at an Institute of Business Forecasting conference ~2006, Jonathon has been a longtime friend and collaborator. Back then he was an early adopter of FVA analysis while working at Yokohama Tire (Canada). More recently, and after founding global management consultancy NorthFind Management in 2012, Jonathon has become a go-to guy on the role of behavioral economics, and the topic of unconscious biases in judgmental forecasting.
For a preview of the topics, see Jonathon's article "Mitigating Unconscious Bias in Forecasting" in the 2021:Q2 issue of Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, and his piece "Solving for the Irrational: Why Behavioral Economics is the Next Big Idea in Demand Planning" in Business Forecasting: The Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Wiley, 2021). You can also check out my "FVA: A Reality Check on Forecasting Practices," recently inducted into the Foresight Hall of Fame, and available for free download.
To see Jonathon in action, take 30 minutes to watch his brilliant and entertaining International Symposium on Forecasting presentation, "Trust but Verify: Using Behavioral Economics to Improve the Integration of Judgment in Forecasting." Jonathon was also a recent guest on the IBF Podcast hosted by Eric Wilson, on topic of "Bias and Behavioral Heuristics in Forecasting."
Join Jonathon and me for what we plan to be a candid and highly audience-interactive discussion. (register here)