
Rebecca Allen
Recreation and Fitness Program Coordinator Wellness

Rebecca E. Allen is passionate about helping others develop and nurture practices of well-being.   She earned her BS in Sociology and MA in Exercise and Sport Science and holds fitness certifications from ACE, AFAA,, IFTA, and Tai Chi for Health Institute.  She is a Medical Exercise Specialist and is registered with Yoga Alliance as a 500 RYT. Rebecca enjoys long walks in the woods with her husband, Chip Davis.

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Rhythm of Retreat

We all experience a rhythm of work and rest.  Our hearts illustrate a perfect symphony of sound and silence, effort and recovery.  So why not employee the same method into creating our own rhythm of work and rest? Many cultures incorporate formal and informal observances of rest and retreat in

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Where? In a chair

If you are like me, you spend most of your day sitting.  The average adult in the US spends 8-12 hours of their day sitting.  Whether you are sitting because your work requires it or you have reduced mobility due to an injury or condition, you can improve overall fitness

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 3
The Forest and the Trees

Trees have been a source of awe my entire life. My grandparent’s house was an easy walk through the forest.  I loved long visits with them and regularly enjoyed my grandmother’s famous chocolate chip cookies 😊.  So, of course, I walked amongst the trees daily.  My love for the hiking

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Breath as Movement

INTRODUCTION  Have you ever thought of breathing as a type of movement or physical activity?  Consider this.  It’s the first movement we did when we were born.  And we all do it – an average of 14-16 times per minute.  It’s essential for every other aspect of living.  And it’s accessible to

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Intuitive Movement

What kind of movement do you hunger for? Yes, I said hunger for…what kind of movement would bring you joy? Maybe it’s a quick “snack” of restorative yoga postures, a set of barbell squats for “dessert”, or just a “side” of dancing for 5 minutes in the living room. Perhaps

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Reboot with Movement Breaks

How do you manage your energy and productivity throughout your day? Wanna know my secret? I take movement breaks often and eat lunch! According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 156 million full-time workers in the United States spend at least one-third of their day at the workplace. 

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Radical Acceptance

It’s rare that we think this moment is the only moment that matters. We're often thinking about what just happened or filtering through our list of to-dos.  These are the things that pull us into what Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance, calls the "trance of thinking". It's been really

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