Beginning July 16th, under FCC rules, those in the U.S. can call or text 988 to be connected to trained mental health crisis counselors. The 988 number connects to the already exisiting National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for someone who is in crisis to get connected to support. Some other features to note:
- Veterans can use this 988 number to more easily access the Veterans Crisis Line. Just call 988, then press 1 to be connected.
- While the Lifeline is affirming of all identities, additional resources for LGBTQ callers include The Trevor Project and the Trans Lifeline.
- Lifeline services are also accessible for people who are deaf and hard of hearing and for people who are Spanish speaking.
Additional Resources
- From Psychology Today, here are suicide hotlines and prevention resources around the world.
- For more online education, this resource, Now Matters Now, provides videos on understanding suicidal thoughts and skills to cope.
- Interested in supporting a U.S. local crisis center? Learn more on this page.
The SAS U.S. and Global Employee Assistance Programs offer 24/7 telephonic support to employees, their dependents and household members. Employees can find contacts on InsideSAS or contact Work/Life for additional resources.