Supporting the mental and emotional health of your teen


My coworker recently shared this post in Grown and Flown from a mother of a teen who lives with both depression and ADHD. This is a timely share as we approach May which is Mental Health Awareness Month. I’d encourage you to read to better understand this experience or, perhaps, see your own experience validated. 

She affirms:

We are not good moms because we have good kids and we are not bad moms when our kids are struggling. We are all moms, doing our best. How our kids turn out has a little to do with us and a lot to do with the dynamic nature of life. It can happen in a flash, this reversal of fortune. To be holding up a kid in darkness is the most humbling and raw of experiences.

If you’re a parent or a caregiver supporting someone living with mental illness, here are some resources that may be helpful.

Peer Support

  • NAMI (National Association on Mental Illness) has Family Support Groups nationwide which you can search for here. This link will take you to the groups offered in Wake County.
  • The Balanced Mind Parent Network is an online support community from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. There is a $5 monthly membership fee.

Online Information

For Teens

  • Bring Change to Mind, a non-profit that encourages dialogue about mental health, has a teen blog.
  • Your Life Your Voice from Boys Town National Hotline also has tips and tools.
  • Sources of Strength, a youth suicide prevention project, created a workbook of activities for mental wellness that families and youth can work on at home during the pandemic.
  • The Trevor Project has online support and information specifically for LGBTQ youth.

The Work/Life Center provides individualized resources for SAS employees and their family members.


About Author

Katie Seavey Pegoraro

Sr Associate Work Life Program Manager

Katie Seavey Pegoraro supports employees with issues of stress and balance, providing tools and resources to cope when life feels overwhelming. Katie is a contact for those who may be coping with issues of mental health, substance use, or grief and loss. A young professional herself, Katie is a unique support to employees who are navigating the many life transitions that occur in your 20's and 30's.

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