Before grabbing that streaming data so quickly, Joyce Norris-Montanari says you should ask a few questions.
Jim Harris warns against allowing your data lake to become a poorly managed and ungoverned data dumping ground.
Avoid frustrations by following these 5 tips from David Loshin to create a successful data management strategy for analytics.
Better decisions and analytics innovation – fringe benefits of having comprehensive data governance policies.
If you need more than just well-mixed data, take a look at data preparation from SAS.
@philsimon chimes in about how success in one area can lead to success in another.
Joyce Norris-Montanari shares tips to help those who are still working to address GDPR requirements.
Like hiking without GPS directions, Jim Harris says businesses that don't use streaming data analytics will be lost in a crowd of competitors.
David Loshin provides an alternate take on streaming data in the context of legacy systems.
In the second part of this series, Phil Simon argues that organizations can immediately take steps to handle likely legislation.