The CMO Council’s Liz Miller thinks mobile is such a huge issue that we absolutely need to talk about it – and I couldn’t agree more. One of the reasons is that there seems to be a slight disconnect between how quickly our customers are advancing in their mobile lifestyles and the way marketers are evolving their mobile strategies.
For that reason, we recently collaborated with the CMO Council on research to identify some of the roadblocks in front of marketers working hard to adapt. The result is called Getting in Sync with Mobile Customers - a report with fresh perspectives on strategy, the marketing mindset, and the advanced analytics that marketers to develop meaningful marketing strategies for mobile.
Mobile needs to be understood as far more than a new part of the marketing mix because of the behavioral changes it’s causing in our customers. Or as Liz puts it, mobile is the “ultimate game-changer.” And if you think you’re a B2B company or a B2C company – you’re wrong. We’re all C2B companies. The customer is in control and the customer is increasingly mobile.
We caught up with Liz at a conference recently and were able to catch about 2 minutes of her views on how mobile customers are changing marketing. Click on the window below to watch– I promise it’s worth your time.