
Trent Smith

Trent handles government and education communications for SAS. Opinions shared are his own...or someone else's...he's not much for original thought. But they definitely don't represent SAS.

Learn SAS | SAS Events | Students & Educators
Trent Smith 0
SAS honors educators and students for excellence in analytics and data science 

The demand for people with analytics and data science skills continues to outpace supply – and SAS skills are among the most prized. Through programs such as the new  SAS Academic Specialization, the company is building a sustainable pool of data science and analytics talent.   At the virtual SAS Global Forum 2021, the company recognized

Data for Good | SAS Events | Students & Educators
Trent Smith 0
Students showcase power of open data to help government

Open data is critical to research, particularly at universities. The many university students that attend SAS Global Forum bring an energy and vitality to the conference that is unmistakable. They’re everywhere…in sessions, social activities, out on the town and, of course, the academic events. This year, 150 of them graced

Analytics | Work & Life at SAS
Trent Smith 0
Helping military veterans transition to civilian life, pursue analytics careers

Veterans transitioning back to civilian life face a number of challenges, many of which involve working in a non-military environment. The Honor Foundation helps Navy SEALs and other current and transitioning members of the U.S. Special Operations community enter civilian life. Last week, a group of former special operators visited several

Trent Smith 0
SAS Kenntnisse sind das wichtigste Karriere-Werkzeug

Mehr Gehalt, bessere Karriereaussichten – welche Skills helfen dabei? Führungskompetenzen und Kommunikationsfähigkeit – würde man an erster Stelle vermuten. Eine aktuelle Studie kommt aber zu einem anderen Schluss. Eine umfangreiche Studie der Zeitschrift MONEY und der Gehaltsvergleichsplattform zeigt, dass die wichtigste Kompetenz im heutigen Arbeitsmarkt für Analytics SAS Kenntnisse