
Sian Roberts
Publisher, SAS Press

Sian is currently Publisher at SAS Press. She has over 20 years of publishing and marketing experience in technology and holds a BEng in Electronic Engineering from Brunel University, London, UK, and a MSc in Cognitive Science & Intelligent Computing from the University of Westminster, London, UK. When Sian is not busily leading SAS Press, she is a devoted soccer/baseball mom to her two boys and walking Chuck, the family chocolate lab.

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Get real clinical data

Many of our authors often ask us where they can find real data that they can use without copyright or other confidentiality issues. Instructors too are always on the look-out for real-life data. Well, thanks to a new initiative supported by SAS, you can now access data from more than

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SAS Books is heading to PharmaSUG

I’m headed to Orlando, May 17- 20, for the annual PharmaSUG conference. PharmaSUG is the Pharmaceutical Industry SAS Users Group, consisting of professionals worldwide in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries who use SAS software in their work. I will be at the SAS Publications booth in the demo room and

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Meet SAS Press authors at SAS Global Forum

This year SAS Global Forum attendees have the chance to have lunch with SAS authors and find out what it takes to write a book. When: Tuesday, April 28, 12 - 12:50 p.m. Where: Ballroom D2. Lunch is provided!  We’ll talk a little about what it’s like to write a