In an increasingly interconnected world, geopolitical events in one region can cause a ripple effect across global supply chains. Due to technical complexity and the concentration of large manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region, the semiconductor supply chain is especially vulnerable to disruptions. In fact, more than 65% of the
Why digital logistics is the key to supply chain resiliency amid geopolitical uncertainty
5 key questions to guide your connected factory strategy
Consumer goods manufacturers have faced significant challenges over the past few years due to rapidly changing demand and supply disruptions in their end-to-end supply chain. As a result, manufacturers have realized the need to strengthen their resilience and have prioritized assessing their manufacturing capacity to maximize output and automation. To
How to cultivate trust in analytical models and improve forecast adoption
Often the biggest challenge when implementing a successful forecasting process has nothing to do with the analytics. Forecast adoption – incorporating forecasts into decision-making – is just as high a hurdle to overcome as the models themselves. Forecasting is more than analytical models Developing a forecasting process typically begins with