
Giada Scalpelli

Curiosity has always been a driver in Giada's life and, therefore, throughout her whole academic and professional path. Curiosity leads us to create new opportunities, learn innovative concepts, face stimulating challenges, and, ultimately, grow professionally. Giada is part of the Customer Advisory Risk Management team at SAS Italy. In this role, she helps clients to deal with the many challenges of Credit Risk topics as IFRS9, Stress Testing and Regulatory Capital. Before joining SAS and after a long period abroad, during which she studied at Universiteit Leiden and at CWI, the national research center for Mathematics and Informatics in the Netherlands, she graduated in Mathematics at Università degli Studi di Padova with full marks.

Risk Management
Giada Scalpelli 0
Scenario-based analysis ai tempi del Covid19: lo scenario Adverse è diventato Baseline?

Gli avvenimenti delle ultime settimane si sono velocemente imposti sulle nostre routine lavorative e non, stravolgendole. In meno di un mese l’Italia, e poco dopo tutta l’Europa, si è trovata ad affrontare una grave epidemia con delle restrizioni drastiche ma necessarie. #restateacasa è diventato l’imperativo da rispettare e la maggior