Members of the media attending SAS Global Forum met a panel of SAS customers from diverse backgrounds but with a unified message: In uncertain economic times, deploying the power of advanced analytics becomes a necessity rather than a luxury. Panelists included: Aaron Cano, Vice President of Customer Knowledge, Stephan
Press panel: SAS customers prove the value of analytics
Interview with Stephen Baker, author of The Numerati
Kelly LeVoyer from SAS Marketing Editorial spent some time yesterday with Stephen Baker at SAS Global Forum. At Monday’s SAS Global Forum, I was fortunate enough to get a few minutes to chat with Stephen Baker, BusinessWeek writer, author of The Numerati and SAS Global Forum presenter. In addition to
If I poke you on your wall, will you tweet or ping back?
Lots of people have embraced social media, including blogs, social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn) and "microblogging" platforms like Twitter. A recent Nielsen study shows that social networks have actually overtaken email. Fine, but what if you're still trying to figure out the World Wide Web? Don't despair. The world of social