The rise of self-service analytics, and the idea of the ‘citizen data scientist’, has also brought a number of issues to the fore in organizations. In particular, two common areas of discussion are the twin pillars of data quality and data preparation. There is no doubt that good quality, well-prepared
Blog articles often follow the same structure: starting with an appealing title, then telling the story and ending up with a suggestion to deepen that topic. Let's try to spice up a little bit this and to revert the article structure! I want to first talk about the suggestion: SAS Viya
Ciao a tutti e ben ri-sintonizzati sulle frequenze di Radio SAS Technical Support per le prime 5 posizioni della classifica delle domande più frequenti da parte dei SAS Administrator al Supporto Tecnico SAS! La volta scorsa abbiamo visto queste posizioni dalla 10 alla 6: 10. COME CONTATTO IL SUPPORTO CLIENTI SAS?
Some of the most common questions from customers are about their analytics administration. Often regarded as house-keeping, administration failures can nevertheless cause real pain. The typical day-to-day tasks of analytics administration include checking availability and health of the analytics platform components, allocating proper resources for users like memory, file systems,
Ciao a tutti e ben sintonizzati sulle frequenze di Radio SAS Technical Support! Oggi trasmettiamo la prima parte della super-classifica delle domande più frequenti che riceviamo dai SAS Administrators che operano presso le aziende nostre clienti. Il SAS Administrator è la super-star della Architettura e della Piattaforma SAS, le sue attività
Hadoop has been called a game changer technology. Here’s why: - DATA IS DIFFERENT: We now have to deal with both structured and unstructured data. - NO LIMITS: We now deal with Terabyte or Petabyte data size and not just with old Megabyte. - COMPLEXITY: We work with complex multi-server
If you have your SAS Certified Platform Administrator Credential, then it’s clear that you’ve studied a lot to achieve it. But suddenly the Hadoop era shows up and what you find are big gaps in your skills inventory. SAS administrators must be familiar with all the data SAS platform can