Search Results: developer (579)

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Eric Gebhart

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series

In the short time that I've been with SAS, I've had the pleasure of talking to many SAS users, developers and programmers, and I've had more than a few conversations with the men and women who work in SAS technical support. One of the things that's amused me is how

Chris Hemedinger 0
Poetry in commotion

In addition to writing code, SAS R&D developers are very accustomed to writing poems. I don't mean rhyming poetry like sonnets (though we do hear the occasional randy limerick). When a developer wants to make a code change in a SAS product, he or she is required to complete a

Chris Hemedinger 0
What's my line?

Today was "career day" in my daughter's 3rd grade classroom. A few privileged parents were invited to attend and answer questions about their professions, press-conference style. Among those on a panel of nine parents, the panelists that saw the most action included the Dog Trainer, the Duke Life Flight Nurse,

Where the Forest God Dwells

In the Kalevala the God of the Forest is called Tapio. The Kalevala, also known as the land of heroes, is the national epic of Finland and is not only an extremely important work to the Finns but also an important contribution to world literature. For example, the meter in

Chris Hemedinger 0
From eWeek's we-told-you-so department

This January 2007 report from eWeek states that specialized skill shortages will swell IT salaries. According to that article, "demand in the software development area will include Business Objects, Java, [Microsoft] developers, SAS programmers and systems architects." (Bold added by me.) I guess their crystal ball is pretty good, because

Angela Hall 0
Fallacy of Measures

When developing the business intelligence measures, you have to be entirely cognizant of the behaviors you could promote. For instance, in measuring and setting business objectives for number of defects per line of code, developers could write more lines of code to reduce the calculated result or they could document

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