Anyone who might have stumbled across my previous musings will already know that I am a great fan of studying the history of technology and its evolution. And where we might indeed be in the not too distant future. I’m of course a proper sci-fi nut, avid (and my wife
Tag: IoTSWC19
É curioso pensar que, hoje em dia, as tendências tecnológicas acabam por ter grande impacto no desenvolvimento de novos produtos e até nos próprios modelos de negócio das organizações. Começa, aliás, a ganhar corpo uma nova geração de modelos de negócio, quer sejam eles de pequenas ou grandes dimensões, que
While the global pharmaceutical industry has been changing profoundly in the last 15 years, it has also been facing some huge challenges. Growing demand, increased competitiveness, reduced time to market, quality adherence and the spiralling cost of developing new drugs have increased pressure on pharma companies to deliver on tighter
Como consumidor dou por garantido o facto de que a minha marca de “sumo de cevada” preferida se encontra, constantemente, na prateleira intermédia do último corredor do supermercado local, seja qual for o dia da semana. Esqueço-me, por vezes, que para que tal seja possível foi necessário que há seis
The annual Hanover Fair brands itself as the world’s leading manufacturing industry fair. Where better to take the pulse of the industry? So I spent my time gathering views from sector experts about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in manufacturing. There is a
There will be more than 55 billion IoT devices by 2025 – more than four devices for every person on earth. That means that big data is only getting bigger. All of that high frequency, high velocity data from connecting the physical world to the digital world is available, and
Heute ist alles Daten. Ein Data-Hype jagt den nächsten. Die Empfehlung für weitere Produkte bei einer Online-Bestellung, die Auswertung von Wearables zur Fitnessoptimierung, das Anzeigen der besten Fahrroute – all das basiert auf zuvor gesammelten Informationen und Systemen, die dem Anwender Handlungsoptionen aufzeigen. Schon damals schien es ganz normal, dem
This Is the third and final installment of a series of posts discussing promising use cases in retail and the benefits of adopting IoT technologies in 2019. What will be the ground-breaking new application of IoT and analytics that drives an epiphany and spurs widespread adoption? In previous posts, I discussed
By now, we're all aware of the seismic shift occurring across industries as a result of the Internet of Things. But do we all see the changes in the same light? From where I sit, there's still a wide gap in viewpoints and perspectives. In its simplest form, we often
Burger and fries, wine and cheese, peanut butter and jelly … some things just go better together. For organizations embarking on digital transformation, AI and IoT just go better together. These two distinct technologies; AI and IoT (or AIoT) are a natural fit. To take an analogy from the human