Tag: Big Data NEW

Alison Bolen 0
Twitter is a big data problem

Back in my day-one post of this "HPA once a day project," I promised a post about Twitter as "big data." I know some of you are already moaning about the noise on Twitter and the "what I ate for breakfast" type of commentary that's prevalent there. So I'm going to

Alison Bolen 0
HPA once a day: day one

I'm not a fan of obscure acronyms in blog post titles, but by the end of this month I'm hoping HPA won't be obscure to anyone who reads this blog. It stands for high-performance analytics, and I'm challenging myself to blog about it once a day for the next month.

Alison Bolen 0
Human ingenuity is still the magic

The tools for analytics are getting more sophisticated as data becomes more voluminous, says Jim Sterne, President of Target Marketing, in the video below. The real magic still comes from human ingenuity, explains Sterne, but it helps to give analysts the tools they need to make that magic happen. Hear

Mike Nemecek 0
We few, we happy few ...

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; … These lines are from the famous St. Crispin’s Day speech of Shakespeare’s historical play Henry V. King Henry V of England motivated his troops before the Battle

Ian Manocha 0
A closer look at the long tail

Charles Leadbeater, a leading authority on innovation and creativity, headlines his Think Piece on big data and the civic long tail with the phrase “Big data must be opened up to the wisdom of the crowd...” Intriguing - yes, but what does it all mean? His first sentence is almost

Ian Manocha 0
Is open data opening a can of worms?

With the publication of the Demos think piece on the importance of open data for the UK government to effectively engage with its citizens, I wanted to raise the question: How will this data be used effectively? While the UK government should be congratulated on the steps that it is currently