At the very heart of the financial world lies a commodity so vast it’s almost immeasurable ... and it’s growing exponentially with potential yet unrealized. Big data – complex structured and unstructured datasets arriving from innumerable sources – is reshaping the global banking industry. Used effectively, big data can support the delivery
Tag: banking trends
As we peer into 2025 looking for signs of what’s to come, one thing is certain – the global banking industry will continue its evolution. Historically, banks have responded to change more slowly; the industry’s risk-averse culture drives a calculated and measured approach. However, the volatility, uncertainty, and challenges of
A customer’s onboarding journey is often the most interaction they will have with their bank. Onboarding activities provide the first meaningful insights into what being a customer will be like, and they can make or break the long-term prospects of the relationship. Unfortunately, the onboarding journey at many banks is
Best-selling author and banking industry futurist Brett King once said, “The easiest customer experience isn’t one where you drive to the branch, find a parking spot, wait in line, ask advice, and sign a piece of paper. It’s one where you activate the service you need in real time when
While no one currently alive witnessed the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in mid-18th century Britain, we’re all now spectators and participants in the AI revolution – AI is accessible and entrenched everywhere. While AI is not new, 2023 ushered in a tsunami of AI innovation with the emergence of
2023 delivered a raft of notable bank failures, the largest since the 2008 financial crisis. Silicon Valley Bank and others succumbed to collapse, triggering widespread reverberations and heightened market uncertainty. We also saw a tsunami of AI innovation, expanding fraud and financial crimes, workforce transformation and climate risk. And let’s
In 2024, fraud and financial crimes are rising in global banking due to an evolving economic environment and expanding technological capabilities that create new opportunities for fraudsters. In 2023, consumer-focused fraud increased, with attackers posing as energy firms, lottery companies and banks to extract sensitive information from unsuspecting victims. Inflationary pressure saw