
Michael Herrmann
Sr Solutions Architect

Michael Herrmann ist Sr Solutions Architect und Data Management Consultant bei SAS. Er berät Finanzdienstleister rund um Risiken, Governance und ihre „Vermeidung“, Presaler, PoC-Macher und Metadaten-Fan, bekehrter COBOL-Anwendungsentwickler mit abgebrochenem IT-Studium, Rheinländer im Exil, orientiert an Edward Tufte bis Scott & Douglas Adams, staunt über Deep Learning, Tabellenkalkulationen und Attributionsfehler.

Advanced Analytics | Data Management
Michael Herrmann 1
Beam your customers into invisibility: a data protection masked ball to get you up to speed with the GDPR

Here are some new tips for masking. The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires your company to implement (quote) all necessary technical and organizational measures and to take into consideration the available technology at the time of the processing and technological developments. So, how can you comply with