Congratulations Best Contributed Papers at SAS Global Forum


Congratulations to all of you who presented at SAS Global Forum. It takes a lot of hard work to put together the research, write a paper and presentation, and then stand on stage and present to a crowd of people you have never met. You are amazing.

From all of those papers, a select few are chosen as Best Contributed Papers.

Here's the list:

Applications Development - Best Contributed Paper

Use the Full Power of SAS in Your Function-Style Macros
Mike Rhoads

Applied Business Intelligence - Best Contributed Paper

Lost in Wonderland? Methodology for a Guided Drill-Through Analysis Out of the Rabbit Hole
Stephen Overton

Honorable Mention
Using SAS® Enterprise BI and SAS® Enterprise MinerTM to Reduce Student Attrition
Matt Bogard, Chris James, Tuesdi Helbig, Gina Huff

Coders' Corner - Best Contributed Paper

Proc Format, a Speedy Alternative to Sort / Sort / Merge
Jenine Milum

Data Management - Best Contributed Paper

Trend Analysis: An Automated Data Quality Approach for Large Health Administrative Databases
Mahmoud Azimaee

Data Mining and Text Analytics - Best Contributed Paper

Combining Datasets Using Exact Character Variables in SAS
Kulwant Rai

Operations Research - Best Contributed Paper

Using SAS® to Measure Airport Connectivity: An Application of Weighted Betweenness Centrality for the FAA National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS)
Hector Rodriquez-Deniz  

Pharma and Health Care Providers - Best Contributed Paper

A Standard SAS® Program for Corroborating Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Error Messages
John R. Gerlach, Ganesh Sankaran Thangavel

Planning and Support - Best Contributed Paper

Successfully On-Boarding SAS Analysts
Aaron Augustine  

Posters - Best Contributed Paper

Put a Little Zip in Your SAS® Program
Louise S. Hadden, Christianna Williams

2nd Place
Wake Up Your Data with Graph'n'Go
Christopher Battiston

Programming: Beyond the Basics - Best Contributed Paper

Seamless Reporting Automation through the Integration of JMP®, SAS®, and VBA
Rachel Poulsen, Raghunathan Chakravarthy

Programming: Foundations and Fundamentals- Best Contributed Paper

Selecting All Observations When Any Observation Is of Interest
Christopher J. Bost

Reporting and Information Visualization - Best Contributed Paper

Quick and Dirty Microsoft Excel Workbooks without Dynamic Data Exchange or the SAS® Output Delivery System
Andrea Wainwright-Zimmerman

SAS® Enterprise Guide®: Implementation and Usage - Best Contributed Paper

Case Study: Implementing and Administering SAS® Enterprise Guide® across the Enterprise as a Solution for Data Access Security
Linda Sullivan, Ulf Borjesson, Evangeline Collado, Maureen Murray

Social Media & Networking - Best Contributed Paper

Analyzing Sentiments in Tweets about Wal-Mart's Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Verdict Using SAS® Text Miner
Hari Hara Sudhan Duraidhayalu, Satish Garla, Goutam Chakraborty

Statistics and Data Analysis - Best Contributed Papers

Including the Salesperson Effect in Purchasing Behavior Models Using PROC GLIMMIX
Philippe Baecke, Dirk Van den Poel

Dynamically Evolving Systems: Cluster Analysis Using Time
David J. Corliss

Systems Architecture - Best Contributed Paper

Using Dynamic Views as a Supplement to SAS® Security to Enhance Multiple Levels of Access Requirements to Row-Level Data Upon SAS Server Startup
Christopher Bresson, Marty Flis


About Author

Waynette Tubbs

Editor, Marketing Editorial

Waynette Tubbs is a seasoned technology journalist specializing in interviewing and writing about how leaders leverage advanced and emerging analytical technologies to transform their B2B and B2C organizations. In her current role, she works closely with global marketing organizations to generate content about artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, intelligent automation, cybersecurity, data management, and marketing automation. Waynette has a master’s degree in journalism and mass communications from UNC Chapel Hill.

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  1. Pingback: How can I spend a long SAS user weekend? - SAS Users Groups

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