Tag: Stored Processes

Angela Hall 5
Metadata source code storage in 9.3 stored processes

There is some sweet new functionality in 9.3 stored processes. One of them I particularly like is the additional option to store the SAS code within the metadata rather than in a separate .sas file. This is extremely beneficial when allowing the stored process to run on multiple application servers. It also could

Angela Hall 2
Stored Processes - bypassing double authentication

As I mentioned yesterday, some users create portal applications to bypass a second authentication step from the Portal to a Stored Process (via a URL Display Portlet). New in SAS 9.2, there is a STPRun directive that allows you to just complete one single step (create a URL display portlet)

Angela Hall 5
Right Mouse Clicking in Stored Process and Portal Web Apps

In 9.2, the right-mouse click functionality is not available by default. To switch back to this (which for STP developers in a DEV environment is essential to our productivity), SAS has provided the following note: http://support.sas.com/kb/39/292.html As you can see, out-of-the-box, all SAS STP developers will need to do is