Tag: sas training

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 3
Reading hierarchical data - Part 2

This post is the second in a series that illustrates three different solutions to "flattening" hierarchical data. Solution 1, from my previous post, created one observation per header record, summarizing the detail data with a COUNT variable, like this: Summary Approach: One observation per header record   Obs Family Count

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 9
Reading hierarchical data - Part 1

A family and its members represent a simple hierarchy.  For example, the Jones family has four members: A text file might represent this hierarchy with family records followed by family members' records, like this:   The PROC FORMAT step below defines the codes in Column 1: proc format; value $type

Learn SAS
Anuja Nagpal 0
Flexibility of SAS Enterprise Miner

Do you use an array of tools to perform predictive analytics on your data? Is your current tool not flexible enough to accommodate some of your requirements? SAS Enterprise Miner may be your solution. With growing number of data mining applications, having a tool which can do variety of analysis

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 3
Weird PROC FREQ trick

Default PROC FREQ output looks like this: Suppose you don't want the two cumulative statistic columns above.  No problem.  Those can be suppressed with the NOCUM option on the TABLE statement, like this: proc freq data=sashelp.shoes; table product / nocum; run;

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 8
Dataset too big for PROC PRINT?

Dataset too big for PROC PRINT? One weird trick solves your problem! proc print data=bigdata (obs=10); run; The OBS= dataset option specifies the last observation to process from an input dataset. In the above example, regardless of dataset size, only the first 10 observations are printed; an easy way to

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