Angela Hall 0
OLAP Server Memory Issue

When building the cube, the OLAP Server is not the workhorse, it is the Workspace Server. Therefore, when receiving out of memory errors during Cube Building, check the MEMSIZE within the Workspace Server configuration. ERROR: A problem was encountered during data summarization. NOTE: The initial memory limit for classification tables

Angela Hall 0
MDX DRILLUPMEMBER Function for Rollup Measures

When trying to generate rollup measures for further statitical analysis from an OLAP cube, completing in MDX proved much more efficient then querying and running PROC MEANS steps. Included is an example of how to utilize the DRILLUPMEMBER() function in MDX code: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/10894_3572621_2

Angela Hall 0
Exporting OLAP Cubes

In SP4, you can export OLAP cubes into .xml files. Right click the Cube from SAS OLAP Cube Studio, select 'Export Cube'. This is an appropriate part of a migration strategy through dev-test-production, since they can then be imported through the 'Import Cube' button on the left menubar.

Angela Hall 0
Forget MDDB to OLAP Migration

There is no good way to migrate MDDBs to V9Cubes. Here is an excerpt from the SAS migration website (http://support.sas.com/rnd/migration/planning/files/mddb.html): “There is no automated method to convert Version 8 MDDB code to SAS 9.1 OLAP code. PROC MDDB executes in SAS 9.1. However, it creates a Version 8 MDDB that

Angela Hall 0
MDX Query Optimization with SETS

Overall, query response time dramatically decreases with the use of sets, therefore it is preferred that user selections (or the cube itself) prevents the potential of choosing multiple members within the same dimension. Queries that only included 1 member in the slicer but are still represented as a set are

Angela Hall 0
SAS OLAP Data Provider Install Tip

Problems connecting to the SAS OLAP Server in MS EXCEL after downloading ONLY the SAS OLAP Data Provider on a virgin SAS Machine? When installing the SAS OLAP Data Provider for use in MS Excel Pivot Tables, be sure to use the Integrated Technologies for Windows download, rather than the

Angela Hall 0
OLAP Values - Size Limit Beware

MDX has a limit to the length of values used to query. Therefore, all OLAP data must maintain a format less than 256 characters in length. You can follow the steps below to reduce the size during PROC OLAP creation (using OLAP Cube Studio) and then regeneration using the PROC