Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 1
Advantages abound by centralizing all of those logs

In order to support a SAS Server Architecture, administrators must know where all the log files from the various SAS Business Intelligence services are located. By default, each service that generates a log will create it within the services' own configuration folder structure. For example, the metadata server log is

Angela Hall 2
Creating a relational OLAP cube (ROLAP)

SAS allows for three different cube storage mechanisms: 1. MOLAP The traditional SAS OLAP Cube will all aggregations / nway stored on a physical file structure accessible by the SAS OLAP Cube Server. 2. ROLAP A relational OLAP cube - where no aggregations are stored and SAS points to the

Angela Hall 2
Discovering the power of ODS ExcelXP tagsets

The ODS ExcelXP tagset is pretty powerful stuff. Hidding columns, changing the print layout to landscape, updating the spreadsheet names, defining the default column width and row height, etc - it's all available using options within the ExcelXP setup. So the best thing to do is grab some documentation. Fortunetly,

Angela Hall 12
Uploading a file (via the web) into SAS

I must recommend that you check out this example from pg 70 of the SAS Stored Process Developers Guide. http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/stpug/61271/PDF/default/stpug.pdf This is a pretty sweet example of how to upload a file from your machine (via Internet Explorer) into the SAS System. A custom form can be created in html

Angela Hall 1
Exporting last submitted code from Enterprise Guide

You can export the .sas code from a specific task or the entire project into a .sas file! It's great when publishing a project into a repeatable batch/schedule process. However, be aware of default names for the .sas resulting file. I recently ran across an error when exporting a task

Angela Hall 0
Bookmarking the Stored Process web application list

The default web application for the Stored Process system takes you to a lovely screen with introductions and samples. However, wouldn't it be nice to skip this screen to just jump right into the stored processes you have created? For 9.2, change the following URL to include your server/port name. This

Angela Hall 0
Capitalize the 1st letter - or better yet not

So you are viewing your SAS Web Report and find that all the data elements capitalizations have changed - instead of no caps or all caps, everything is prop cap (or at least PROPCASE). This is actually a default option in Information Map Studio. To turn it off, select Tools