
Angela Hall 0
Installing SAS Add-in to Microsoft Office

Well, setting up a SAS Installation Depot is one thing, but how then do you get users to install the SAS Add-in to Microsoft Office. After attempting to point them to the directory … root folder\client9cd\msofficeint\setup.exe some of my users received error messages such as: COM object with CLSID {C97B3405-B0CA-4B1A-9B90-C334554D81BC}

Angela Hall 0
The great analogy of SAS BI Products

There has been a lot of confusion at my company on what all of these different products from SAS are about. However, during a training session yesterday I was able to convey the variations of the SAS products by creating an analogy with Television stations and products. This gave the

Angela Hall 0
Resolution of Text Fields in Stored Processes

So you modified the SAS EG character formatted constraints to resolve automatically with surrounding single-quotes. (Seen below from Stored Process Wizard and Management Console screens.)                 Of course, the pain now is trying to pass dynamic parameters through the %stpbegin & %stpend statements.

Angela Hall 0
SAS OLAP Data Provider Install Tip

Problems connecting to the SAS OLAP Server in MS EXCEL after downloading ONLY the SAS OLAP Data Provider on a virgin SAS Machine? When installing the SAS OLAP Data Provider for use in MS Excel Pivot Tables, be sure to use the Integrated Technologies for Windows download, rather than the

Angela Hall 0
OLAP Values - Size Limit Beware

MDX has a limit to the length of values used to query. Therefore, all OLAP data must maintain a format less than 256 characters in length. You can follow the steps below to reduce the size during PROC OLAP creation (using OLAP Cube Studio) and then regeneration using the PROC

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