What's your weight-in books?


Are you a book glutton, stick figure, or something in between? Does your consumption of books outweigh other interests, such as sleeping? Or are you a minimalistic reader?

I’ve always tended toward reading gluttony. For me, it all started in elementary school. A classmate read 100 books before 3rd grade and my school librarian awarded him with a t-shirt with green lettering that said “I have read 100 books.” I really, really wanted to wear this fabulous t-shirt. So, I began a quest. I checked out book after book in our small, but well-stocked school library, and by the end of the year had completed 100 books.  I can’t remember any of the books I read that year (I was going for quantity), but getting that t-shirt was a milestone.

As I’ve matured (I still like to wear fun t-shirts), I’ve continued to motor my way through a variety of books, articles, tweets, and blog posts.Yet as my time is more limited, I’ve become a selective ravenous reader. In the past, I experienced book abandonment issues. Now, putting one down after reading 50 pages is no problem. If it’s not fulfilling, I’m out of there.

I'm on a mission to find really good books. From browsing the local library or bookstore, to searching online, to getting recommendations from friends, to reading book reviews-it’s the ultimate treasure hunt. And social media has expanded these options. Every Friday, Bethanne Patrick (@thebookmaven on Twitter) encourages readers to participate in #fridayreads by sharing what they’re reading on Twitter. By doing so, you’re not only contributing to this huge community of readers, but you can also find excellent book recommendations. So if you see the #fridayreads tweets, weigh in with your personal and SAS reading. If you follow us (@SASPublishing), we'll always tweet a reminder about #fridayreads. And, of course, feel free to jump in with your thoughts about our books at any time!



About Author

Shelly Goodin

Social Media Specialist, SAS Publications

Shelly Goodin is SAS Publications' social media marketer and the editor of "SAS Publishing News". She’s worked in the publishing industry for over thirteen years, including seven years at SAS, and enjoys creating opportunities for fans of SAS and JMP software to get to know SAS Publications' many offerings and authors.


  1. Shelly Goodin

    Look forward to seeing what you're reading & recommending on #fridayreads, too! When I was younger, I really did stick it out longer with books I didn't really like. #olderandwiserandlesspatientnow

  2. Good idea ... I also find I can more easily abandon a book after 50 pages of dull characters and when I can easily guess the outcome.

    I'm also looking forward to #fridayreads!

  3. That's really cool, thanks for highlighting this! I look forward to sharing my odd assortment of reading material.

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