
Chris Hemedinger 0
One-stop shopping for the freebies

I'm in the middle of restaging my primary desktop machine at work with Windows 7. It's exciting, but I still have the mundane task of resinstalling all of my essential applications so that I can work again. These apps include things like Notepad++, Chrome, Firefox, Paint.NET and more. Ninite.com offers

Chris Hemedinger 10
A case of mistaken identity

I cannot blame SAS customers when they get confused about which SAS products do what. There are a lot of SAS products in play out there, and sometimes their given names don't help the cause. Take SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Enterprise Miner, for example. These are two very different

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS does cool stuff

The SAS UK folks have put together a profile of SAS on BigAmbition.co.uk, a site meant to attract young people toward IT careers. The SAS profile includes a nice video that describes SAS as a company and what people can do with our software. While you're looking at videos, be

Chris Hemedinger 0
Learn about ODS Statistical Graphics

If you've read this blog before, then you already know about the ODS statistical graphics that are available in SAS 9.2. We've been talking about this innovation at SAS for years. Now it's time to spread the news. Do your colleagues a favor: forward this post to them, or at

Chris Hemedinger 1
Hooo-ray for Hollywood

I've just returned from the Los Angeles Basin SAS Users Group (LABSUG), where I both presented a talk and learned from others. (The meeting was in Pasadena, but I did get a chance to tour the area, as you can see from my picture.) The title of my talk was

Chris Hemedinger 0
Welcome sasCommunity visitors!

I arrived at work this AM to see a link to this blog featured as part of the sasCommunity.org Tip of the Day. If you clicked on that link and landed here, welcome! I hope it was worth the click. Please, make yourself at home and browse through the 2

Chris Hemedinger 3
Do me a favor: stop doing me favors

A customer posted on the discussion forum that, much his dismay, SAS Enterprise Guide sets the NOFMTERR option automatically when connecting to a SAS session. The FMTERR|NOFMTERR option specifies whether SAS should report an error when you attempt to reference a data column that has a SAS format applied, but

Chris Hemedinger 2
You can use it for evil, too

I found this excellent example of What Not To Do on graphjam.com. I was inspired to see if I could recreate something similar in SAS. You see the result here. Yes, the PIE3D statement is ready to do your bidding. If that's what you really want.

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