
Tobias Nittel
Director Alliances

Launched a CRM business in the 1990s in Germany and grew it to a top-10 vendor locally. Has a background in business administration and economics. Worked in Sales and Marketing for U.S. start-ups and big corporations like Clarify Inc., CrossWorlds Inc. and IBM in Europe and Asia in CRM, Business Integration and Business Intelligence. Lived and worked in Germany, the UK and South Africa - is a passionate ambassador explaining the value of software to a business audience. Today at SAS Institute Inc. in Heidelberg as Director Alliances and Manufacturing Industry. Tries to stay fit and enjoys raising two kids, learning again what's essential from them.

Tobias Nittel 2
Industrie 4.0: Komm, wir machen mal wieder Revolution!

Es ist mal wieder an der Zeit über Revolution zu reden. Das Magazin "The Economist" schreibt von einer dritten industriellen Revolution - nach Mechanisierung und Arbeitsteilung. Die Kollegen vom acatech rund um Henning Kagermann kommen bei der vierten Stufe an: Bereits der Einsatz der Elektronik und die IT-Automation der letzten Jahrzehnte ist für